The King Stropharia, also referred to as "wine cap" mushrooms or "garden giants," is a delicious and fleshy mushroom that thrives in both outdoor and indoor cultivation. This variety of mushroom is particularly popular among home gardeners as it not only offers a delectable taste but also contributes to soil improvement and can even combat root-eating nematodes. With its impressive growth potential, the King Stropharia can reach heights of up to 20 cm, featuring a reddish-brown convex to flattening cap that can span an impressive 30 cm in diameter. Due to its substantial size, it has earned the colloquial nickname "Godzilla mushroom."
King Stropharia - "Wine Cap" (Stropharia rugosoannulata)
- 10cc Liquid Culture syringe
- Alcohol Prep Pad
- 16-18G 1.5" Luer Lock Needle
Classification: Edible
Cultivation Difficulty: Moderate
Substrates: Spawn bags, hardwood chips, sawdust, hardwood logs
Temperature: Colonizing / Fruiting – 70-80°F / 60-70°F
Strain Origin: North America; Europe